domain #hit country ---- ----- ------------ com 109778 commercial - not a country net 106785 network - not a country NUM 89631 unresolved IP# - not a country edu 36817 educational - not a country uk 12711 United Kingdom ca 9767 Canada au 9526 Australia it 8484 Italy fr 8472 France de 8071 Germany gov 5558 government - not a country jp 5419 Japan es 5313 Spain nl 4763 Holland org 4002 organizations - not a country us 3443 United States br 2950 Brazil cz 2949 Czechia gr 2918 Greece se 2914 Sweden mil 2889 military - not a country be 2786 Belgium ch 2576 Switzerland nz 2470 New Zealand mx 2172 Mexico dk 2150 Denmark pl 2088 Poland fi 2056 Finland no 1966 Norway il 1598 Israel in 1439 India sg 1390 Sinagpore ru 1363 Russia pt 1298 Portugal at 1007 Austria ar 960 Argentina za 864 South Africa hu 757 Hungary tw 645 Taiwan hr 642 Croatia my 612 Malaysia ro 572 Rumania tr 559 Turkey cl 539 Chile ie 519 Ireland hk 511 Hong Kong fm 496 Micronesia lt 471 Lithuania co 429 Columbia kr 414 Korea sk 388 Slovakia yu 342 Yugoslavia sa 296 Saudi Arabia uy 290 Uruguay ee 289 Estonia id 283 Indonesia arpa 278 ARPA - not a country th 278 Thailand si 235 Slovenia is 205 Iceland pe 193 Peru ph 189 Philippines lu 160 Luxembourg ve 136 Venezuela ua 136 Ukraine bg 123 Bulgaria int 116 international organizations - not a country ae 102 United Arab Emirates cn 98 China cy 92 Cyprus tt 92 Trinidad and Tobago mu 91 Mauritius ma 90 Morocco cr 87 Costa Rica pk 84 Pakistan lv 77 Latvia ir 51 Iran do 50 Dominican Republic np 50 Nepal lb 45 Lebanon gbl 37 not a country eg 35 Egypt lk 34 Sri Lanka mk 32 Macedonia gt 32 Guatemala vn 32 Viet Nam jo 31 Jordan su 27 Soviet Union ec 24 Ecuador by 24 Belarus mt 23 Malta cu 22 Cuba info 18 information - not a country mm 16 Myanmar bn 16 Brunei qa 16 Qatar nu 16 Niue zw 15 Zimbabwe ni 15 Nicaragua bw 13 Botswana local 13 not a country kz 12 Kazakhstan om 12 Oman ke 11 Kenya md 11 Moldova sy 11 Syria na 10 Namibia py 9 Paraguay ad 9 Andorra pg 8 Papua New Guinea kw 8 Kuwait fj 8 Fiji ge 8 Georgia am 8 Armenia ck 7 Cook Islands ba 7 Bosnia and Herzegowina hn 7 Honduras tc 7 Turks and Caicos Islands ac 7 Ascension Island gh 6 Ghana jm 6 Jamaica bd 6 Bangladesh va 6 Vatican bm 6 Bermuda vi 5 US Virgin Islands pf 5 French Polynesia mz 5 Mozambique al 5 Albania zm 5 Zambia gl 5 Greenland aw 5 Aruba tv 5 Tuvalu ug 4 Uganda tz 4 Tanzania sb 4 Solomon Islands mv 4 Maldives st 4 Sao Tome and Principe mg 4 Madagascar fo 4 Faroe Islands unity 3 not a country to 3 Tonga pr 3 Puerto Rico kh 3 Cambodia cc 3 Cocos Islands nc 3 New Caledonia et 3 Ethiopia bo 3 Bolivia cx 2 Christmas Island gi 2 Gibraltar lc 2 Santa Lucia biz 2 not a country cablenet 2 not a country uz 2 Uzbekistan pa 2 Panama kg 2 Kyrgyzstan dialup 2 dialup services - not a country bs 2 Bahamas bt 2 Bhutan ci 2 Ivory Coast (Cote D'Ivoire) bb 1 Barbados sv 1 El Salvador hm 1 Heard and McDonald Islands mo 1 Macau ml 1 Mali ws 1 Samoa ls 1 Lesotho li 1 Liechtenstein bh 1 Bahrain ai 1 Anguilla pie 1 ????? - not a country bz 1 Belize old 1 ????? - not a country rw 1 Rwanda lan 1 not a country je 1 Jersey aero 1 not a country cd 1 Congo, The Democratic Republic of the sm 1 San Marino ye 1 Yemen ky 1 Cayman Islands tk 1 Tokelau tm 1 Turkmenistan dm 1 Dominican Republic