Refereed Publications
- [124] A. Howard et al.
``Planet Masses, Radii, and Orbits from NASA's K2 Mission''
arxiv: 2502.04436
to appear in Astrophysical Journal Supplements
- [123] G. Weldon, S. Naoz & B. Hansen
``The cold Jupiter eccentricity distribution is consistent with EKL driven by stellar companions''
to appear in Astrophysical Journal
arxiv: 2411.05066
- [122] C. Shariat, S. Naoz, K. El-Badry, A. Rodrigues, B. Hansen, I. Angelo & A. Stephan
``Once a Triple, Not Always a Triple: The Evolution of Hierarchical Triples that Yield Merged Inner Binaries''
Astrophysical Journal 978 47
arxiv: 240706257 (2025)
- [121] G. Weldon, S. Naoz & B. Hansen
``Analytical models for secular descents in hierarchical triple systems''
Astrophysical Journal 974 302 (2024)
arxiv: 2405.20377
- [120] B. Hansen, T.-Y. Yu, & Y. Hasegawa
``Widespread disruption of resonant chains during protoplanetary disk dispersal''
The Open Journal of Astrophysics , 7
10.33232/001c.121410 (2024)
- [119] C. Shariat, Y. Hasegawa, B. Hansen, M. Yu & R. Hu
``Predicting the Dominant Formation Mechanism of Multi-Planetary Systems''
Astrophysical Journal 964 L13 (2024)
arxiv: 2402.04574
- [118] D. Kipping, et al.
``A Reply to: Large Exomoons unlikely around Kepler-1625 b and Kepler-1708 b''
submitted to Nature Astronomy (2024)
arxiv: 2401.10333
- [117] B. Hansen & K. Hayakawa
``Bound circumplanetary orbits under the influence of radiation pressure: Application to dust in directly imaged exoplanet systems"
The Open Journal of Astrophysics , 7
10.21105/astro.2308.07994 (2024)
- [116] C.Shariat, S. Naoz, B. Hansen, I. Angelo, E. Michaely & A. Stephan
``Dynamical Evolution of White Dwarf Triples in the Era of Gaia''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 955 L14 (2023)
arxiv: 2306.13130
- [115] T.-Y. Yu, B. Hansen & Y. Hasegawa
``Halting Migration in Magnetospherically Sculpted Protoplanetary Disks''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 523 3569 (2023)
arxiv: 2210.13674
- [114] K. Hayakawa & B. Hansen
``Debris Rings from Extrasolar Irregular Satellites''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 522 2115 (2023)
arxiv: 2304.13753
- [113] B. Hansen
``Consequences of dynamically unstable moons in extrasolar systems''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society 520 761 (2022)
arxiv: 2210.02603
- [112] H. Richer et al.
``When Do Stars Go BOOM?''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 931 L20 (2022)
arxiv: 2203.11264
- [111] D. Kipping et al.
``An Exomoon Survey of 70 Cool Giant Exoplanets and the New Candidate Kepler-1708 b-i''
Nature Astronomy 6, 367 (2022)
arxiv: 2201.04643
- [110] B. Hansen
``Unbound Close Stellar Encounters in the Solar Neighbourhood''
Astronomical Journal 163, 44 (2022)
arxiv: 2112.00852
- [109] B. M. S. Hansen & B. Zuckerman
``Minimal conditions for survival of technological civilizations in the face of stellar evolution''
Astronomical Journal 161, 145 (2021)
arXiv: 2102.05703
- [108] B. M. S. Hansen & S. Naoz
``The Stationary Points of the Hierarchical Three Body Problem''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 499, 1682 (2020)
arxiv: 2011.07103
- [107] B. M. S. Hansen
``Formation of Exoplanetary Satellites by pulldown capture''
Science Advances 5 eaaw8665 (2019)
- [106] Y. Hasegawa, T. Y. M. Yu & B. M. S. Hansen,
``Close-in Giant Planets via In-situ Gas Accretion and Their Natal
Disk Properties''
Astronomy & Astrophysics 629 L1 (2019)
arxiv: 1908.00647
- [105] A. M. Vinson, D. Tamayo & B. M. S. Hansen,
The Chaotic Nature of TRAPPIST-1 Planetary Spin States''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 488 5739 (2019)
arxiv: 1905.11419
- [104] J. K. Zink & B. M. S. Hansen,
``Accounting for Multiplicity in Calculating Eta Earth''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 487 246 (2019)
arxiv: 1905.01032
- [103] Y. Hasegawa, B. M. S. Hansen & G. Vasisht,
``Planets' heavy-element content trend as a tracer for their formation site'',
Astrophysical Journal Letters 879 L32 (2019)
arxiv: 1904.10288
- [102] J. H. Livingston et al.
``Spitzer transit follow-up of planet candidates from the K2 mission'',
Astronomical Journal 157 102 (2019)
arxiv: 1901.05855
- [101] J. K. Zink, J. L. Christiansen & B. M. S. Hansen
``Accounting for Incompleteness due to Transit Multiplicity in Kepler Planet Occurrence Rates''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 483 4479 (2019)
arxiv: 1901.00196
- [100] C. E. O'Connor & B. M. S. Hansen
``Constraining Planetary Migration and Tidal Dissipation with Coeval Hot Jupiters''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 452 175 (2018)
arxiv: 1711.10608
- [99] B. Hansen
``A Dynamical Context for the formation of Phobos and Deimos''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 475,
2452 (2018)
arxiv: 1801.07775
- [98] J. L. Christiansen et al.
``Three's Company: An additional non-transiting super-Earth in the bright HD 3167 system, and masses for all three planets"
Astronomical Journal 154 122 (2017)
arxiv: 1706.01892
- [97] A. M. Vinson & B. M. S. Hansen
``On the Spin States of Habitable Zone Exoplanets Around M Dwarfs: The Effect of a Near-Resonant Companion"
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 472, 3217 (2017)
arxiv: 1705.09685
- [96] E. Sinukoff et al.
``K2-66b and K2-106b: Two extremely hot sub-Neptune-size planets with high densities"
Astronomical Journal 153, 271 (2017)
arxiv: 1705.03491
- [95] E. Sinukoff et al.
``Mass Constraints of the WASP-47 Planetary System from Radial Velocities''
Astronomical Journal 153 70 (2017)
arxiv: 1612.04851
- [94] B. M. S. Hansen
``Perturbation of Compact Planetary Systems by Distant Giant Planets''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 467, 1531 (2017)
arxiv: 1608.06300
- [93] I. J. M. Crossfield et al.
`` 197 Candidates and 104 Validated Planets in K2's First Five Fields'',
Astrophysical Journal Supplements 226 7 (2016)
arxiv: 1607.05263
- [92] H. Ngo et al.
``Friends of Hot Jupiters. IV. Stellar companions beyond 50 AU might facilitate giant planet formation, but most are unlikely to cause Kozai-Lidov migration'',
Astrophysical Journal 827 8 (2016)
arxiv: 1606.07102
- [91] E. Sinukoff et al.
``Ten Multi-planet Systems from K2 Campaigns 1 & 2 and the Masses of Two Hot Super-Earths'',
Astrophysical Journal 827 78 (2016)
arxiv: 1511.09213
- [90] E. Petigura et al.
``Two Transiting Low Density Sub-Saturns from K2'',
Astrophysical Journal 818, 36 (2016)
arxiv: 1511.04497
- [89] S. F. N. Frewen & B. Hansen
``The Effect of Stellar Evolution on Migrating Warm Jupiters'',
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 455 1538 (2016)
arxiv: 1510.06407
- [88] E. Petigura et al.
``Two Transiting Earth-Size Planets Near Resonance Orbiting a Nearby Cool Star'',
Astrophysical Journal 811 102 (2015)
arxiv: 1507.08256
- [87] B. Hansen et al.
``Constraining Neutrino Cooling using the Hot White Dwarf Luminosity Function in the Globular Cluster 47 Tucanae''
Astrophysical Journal 809 141 (2015)
arxiv: 1507.05665
- [86] I. J. M. Crossfield et al.
``A nearby M star with three transiting super-Earths discovered by K2''
ApJ 804 10 (2015)
arxiv: 1501.03798
- [85] B. Hansen & J. Zink
``On the potentially dramatic history of the super-earth rho 55 Cancri e''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 450, 4505 (2015)
arxiv: 1505.05539
- [84] B. Hansen & N. Murray
``Secular Effects of Tidal Damping in Compact Planetary Systems''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society 448 1044 (2015)
arxiv: 1405.2342
- [83] B. Hansen
``The circulation of dust in protoplanetary discs and the initial conditions of planet formation''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
440 3545 (2014)
arxiv: 1403.6552
- [82] B. Hansen
``In Situ Models for Planet Assembly Around Cool Stars''
International Journal of Astrobiology 14 (Special Exoplanets Issue) 267 (2015)
arXiv: 1403.6553
- [81] S. F. N. Frewen & B. Hansen
``Eccentric planets and stellar evolution as a cause of polluted white dwarfs''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
439 2442 (2014)
arXiv: 1401.5470
- [80] I. J. M. Crossfield, T. Barman, B. M. S. Hansen & A. W. Howard
Astronomy & Astrophysics
559, 33 (2013)
arXiv: 1308.6580
- [79] B. Hansen & N. Murray
``Testing In Situ Assembly with the Kepler Planet Candidate Sample''
Astrophysical Journal , 775 53 (2013)
- [78] B. Hansen, J. S. Kalirai, J. Anderson, A. Dotter, H. Richer, R. Rich, M. Shara, G. Fahlman, J. Hurley, I. King, D. Reitzel & P. Stetson,
``An Age Difference of 2 Gyr between a Metal-Rich and a Metal-Poor Globular Cluster''
Nature , 500 51 , Aug 1 (2013)
- [77] J. S. Kalirai, J. Anderson, A. Dotter, H. B. Richer, G. G. Fahlman,
B. M. S. Hansen, J. Hurley, I. N. Reid, R. M. Rich, & M. M. Shara,
Astrophysical Journal 763 110 (2013)
- [76] I. J. M. Crossfield, T. Barman, B. Hansen, I. Tanaka & T. Kodama,
``Re-evaluating WASP-12b: Strong Emission at 2.315 µm, Deeper Occultations,
and an Isothermal Atmosphere ''
Astrophysical Journal , 760 140 (2012)
- [75] B. Hansen
``Equilibrium Tide Theory for Extrasolar Planet Systems II''
Astrophysical Journal , 757 6 (2012)
- [74] E. Y. Chen & B. Hansen
``The Spectral Evolution of Convective Mixing White Dwarfs, the non-DA gap, and White Dwarf Cosmochronology''
Astrophysical Journal Letters , 753 L16 (2012)
- [73] I. J. M. Crossfield, B. M. S. Hansen & T. Barman
``Ground-based, Near-infrared Exospectroscopy. II. Tentative Detection of Emission From the Extremely Hot Jupiter WASP-12b ''
Astrophysical Journal ,,
746, 46 (2012)
- [72] K. Woodley et al.
`` The Spectral Energy Distributions of White Dwarfs in 47 Tucanae: The Distance to the Cluster ''
Astronomical Journal , 143, 50 (2012)
- [71] J. S. Kalirai et al.
``A Deep, Wide-field, and Panchromatic View of 47 Tuc and the SMC with HST: Observations and Data Analysis Methods''
Astronomical Journal , 143, 11 (2012)
- [70] B. Hansen & N. Murray
``Migration then assembly: Formation of Neptune Mass planets inside 1 AU''
Astrophysical Journal , 751,
158 (2012)
- [69] E. Koch & B. Hansen
``On collisional capture rates of irregular
satellites around the gas-giant
planets and the minimum mass of the solar nebula''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society'' (2011)
416, 1274
- [68] I. J. Crossfield, Barman, T., & B. M. S. Hansen,
``High Resolution, Differential, Near-infrared Transmission Spectroscopy of GJ 1214b''
Astrophysical Journal , (2011),
- [67] E. Y. Chen & B. Hansen
``Cooling curves and chemical evolution curves of convective mixing white dwarf stars''
Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society , 413 2827 (2011)
- [66] B. M. S. Hansen
``Calibration of Equilibrium Tide Theory for Extrasolar Planet Systems''
Astrophysical Journal , 723,
285 (2010)
- [65] I. J. Crossfield, B. M. S. Hansen,J. Harrington, J. Y-K. Cho, D. Deming, K. Menou & S. Seager
``A New 24 micron Phase Curve for upsilon Andromedae b''
Astrophysical Journal 723,
1436 (2010)
- [64] J. R. Barnes, T. S. Barman, H. R. A. Jones, R. J. Barber, B. M. S. Hansen, L. Prato, E. L. Rice,
C. J. Leigh, A. Collier Cameron, D. J. Pinfield,
``A search for molecules in the atmosphere of HD189733b''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society , 401,
445 (2009)
- [63] J. S. Kalirai, D. S. Davis, H. B. Richer, P. Bergeron, M. Catelan, B. Hansen & R. M. Rich,
``The Masses of Population II White Dwarfs''
Astrophysical Journal , 705,
408 (2009)
- [62] B. Hansen
``Formation of the terrestrial planets from a narrow annulus''
Astrophysical Journal, 703,
1131 (2009)
- [61] B. Hansen, H.-Y. Shih & T. Currie
``The Pulsar Planets: a test case of Terrestrial planet assembly''
Astrophysical Journal , 691, 382 (2009)
- [60] F. E. Koch & B. Hansen
``Mergers of Black Holes in the Galactic Center ''
Astrophysical Journal , 687, 252 (2008)
- [59] E. Rauscher, K. Menou, J. Cho, S. Seager & B. Hansen
``On signatures of atmospheric features in thermal phase curves of hot jupiters''
Astrophysical Journal , 681,
1646 (2008)
- [58] H. B. Richer et al.
``Deep ACS Imaging in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397: The Cluster Color Magnitude Diagram and Luminosity Function''
Astronomical Journal ; 135,
2141 (2008)
- [57] J. R. Hurley et al.,
``Deep ACS Imaging in the Globular Cluster NGC6397: Dynamical Models''
Astronomical Journal ; 135, 2129 (2008)
- [56] J. Anderson et al.
``Deep ACS Imaging in the Globular Cluster NGC 6397: Reduction Methods''
Astronomical Journal ; 135, 2114 (2008)
- [55] B. Hansen
``High Velocity A & B Stars should be slow rotators''
Astrophysical Journal Letters ; 671, L133 (2007)
- [54] B. Hansen
``On the absorption and redistribution of energy in irradiated planets''
Astrophysical Journal Supplements ; 179, 484
- [53] J. Kalirai, B. Hansen, D. Kelson, D. Reitzel, R. Rich & H. Richer
``The Initial-Final Mass Relation: First Constraints at the Low Mass End''
Astrophysical Journal ; 676, 594
- [52] B. Zuckerman, D. Koester, C. Melis, B. Hansen & M. Jura
`` The Chemical Composition of an Extrasolar Minor Planet'' ,
Astrophysical Journal ; 671, 872 (2007)
- [51] B. Hansen & T. Barman
``Two Classes of Hot Jupiters''
Astrophysical Journal ; 671, 861 (2007)
but stick to the preprint ( astro-ph/0706.3052 ) because the ApJ production office screwed up the figure ordering and won't fix it (AAS policy...)
- [50] J. Kalirai, P. Bergeron, B. Hansen, D. Kelson, D. Reitzel, R. Rich & H. Richer
``Stellar Evolution in NGC6791: Mass Loss on the Red Giant Branch and the
Formation of Low Mass White Dwarfs''
Astrophysical Journal ; 671, 748
- [49] B. Hansen, J. Anderson, J. Brewer, A. Dotter, G. Fahlman, J. Hurley, I. King, D. Reitzel, H. Richer, R. Rich, M. Shara & P. Stetson
``The White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of NGC6397'' ,
Astrophysical Journal ; 671,
380 (2007)
- [48] J. H. Debes, S. Sigurdsson & B. Hansen
``Cool Customers in the Stellar Graveyard IV: Spitzer Search for Mid-IR excesses around five DAs'' ,
Astronomical Journal ; 134, 1662 (2007)
- [47] T. Currie & B. Hansen
``The Evolution of Protoplanetary Disks around Millisecond Pulsars: The PSR 1257+12 System"
in Astrophysical Journal ; 666, 1232 (2007)
- [46] J. Cho, K. Menou, B. Hansen & S. Seager
``Atmospheric Circulation of Close-In Extrasolar Giant Planets I: Global, Barotropic, Adiabatic Simulations ,
in Astrophysical Journal ; 675, 817 (2008)
- [45] E.Rauscher, K. Menou, J. Cho, S. Seager, & B. Hansen
``Hot Jupiter Variability in Eclipse Depth'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Letters ; 662, L115 (2007)
- [44] E.Rauscher, K. Menou, S. Seager, D. Deming, J. Cho & B. Hansen
``Toward Eclipse Mapping of Hot Jupiters'' ,
Astrophysical Journal ; 664,
1119 (2007)
- [43] J. Kalirai, J. Anderson, H. Richer, I. King, J. Brewer, G. Carraro, S. Davis, G. Fahlman, B. Hansen, J. Hurley, S. Lepine, D. Reitzel, R. Rich, M. Shara
& P. Stetson,
``The Space Motion of the Globular Cluster NGC 6397'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Letters ;
657, L93 (2007)
- [42] J. Harrington, B. Hansen, S. Luszcz, S. Seager, D. Deming, K. Menou, J. Cho, L. J. Richardson
``The Phase-Dependent Infrared Brightness of the
Extrasolar Planet upsilon Andromedae b'' ,
Science ,
October 27 , (2006)
see, also, the press release.
- [41] S. Berukoff & B. Hansen
``Cluster Core Dynamics in the Galactic Center'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 650,
901 (2006)
- [40] H.B.Richer, et al
``Probing the Faintest Stars in a Globular Star Cluster'' ,
Science , 313,
936, (2006)
- [39] B. Hansen, S. Kulkarni & S. Wiktorowicz
``A Spitzer Search for Infrared Excesses around Massive Young White Dwarfs''
Astronomical Journal, 131,
1106 (2006)
- [38] J. Prochaska et al.
``The Galaxy Hosts and Large-Scale Environments of Short-Hard Gamma-ray Bursts'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 642,
989 (2006)
- [37] B. Hansen
``White Dwarfs in NGC 6791: Avoiding the Helium Flash'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 635,
522 (2005)
- [36] S. Seager, L. J. Richardson, B. Hansen, K. Menou, J. Y-K. Cho & D. Deming
``On the Dayside Thermal Emission of Hot Jupiters'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 632,
1122 (2005)
- [35] J. Kalirai, H. Richer, B. Hansen, D. Reitzel & R. Rich
``The Dearth of Massive, Helium-Rich White Dwarfs in Young Open Star Clusters'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Letters 618,
L129 (2005)
- [34] J. Kalirai, H. Richer, D. Reitzel, B. Hansen, R. Rich, G. Fahlman,
B. Gibson & T. Von Hippel
``The Initial-Final Mass Relationship: Spectroscopy of White Dwarfs in NGC 2099 (M37)'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Letters 618,
L123 (2005)
- [33] B. Hansen, H. Richer, G. Fahlman, P. Stetson, J. Brewer, T. Currie,
B. Gibson, R. Ibata, R. M. Rich & M. Shara
``HST Observations of the White Dwarf Cooling Sequence
of M4'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Supplements 155
551 (2004)
- [32] B. Hansen
``The Astrophysics of Cool White Dwarfs''
Physics Reports 399
1 (2004)
- [31] H.B.Richer, J. Brewer, G.G. Fahlman, J. Kalirai, P.B. Stetson, B. Hansen, R.M. Rich,
R. Ibata, B.K. Gibson & M.M. Shara
``Concerning the White Dwarf Cooling Age of M4: A Reply to De Marchi et al. on ``A Different Interpretation of Recent Deep HST Observations'''' ,
Astronomical Journal 127
2904 (2004)
- [30] H.B. Richer, G.G. Fahlman, J. Brewer, S. Davis, J. Kalirai, P. B. Stetson, B. Hansen, R. M. Rich, R. Ibata, B. K. Gibson & M. M. Shara
``Hubble Space Telescope Observations of the Main Sequence of M4'' ,
Astronomical Journal 127
2771 (2004)
- [29] S. Salim, R. M. Rich, B. Hansen, L. V. E. Koopmans, B. Oppenheimer & R. D. Blandford,
``Cool White Dwarfs Revisited: New Spectroscopy & Photometry'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 601 1075 (2004)
[28] J.S.Kalirai, H.B.Richer, B.Hansen, J.Brewer, G.G. Fahlman, B.D. Gibson, R.Ibata, R.M.Rich & P.B.Stetson,
''The Galactic Inner Halo: Searching for White Dwarfs and Measuring the
Fundamental Galactic Constant, V0/R0 ''
Astrophysical Journal 601,
277 (2004)
- [27] R.D.Ferdman, J. Brewer, G.G.Fahlman, B.K.Gibson, B.M.S.Hansen, M.E.Huber, R.I.Ibata, J.S.Kalirai,
J.M.Matthews, R.M.Rich, H.B.Richer, J.F.Rowe, M.M.Shara, & P.B.Stetson,
``Searching for Variability in the Globular Cluster Messier 4''
Astronomical Journal 127, 380 (2004)
- [26] B.M.S. Hansen & M. Milosavljevic,
``The need for a second black hole at the galactic center''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 593 L77 (2003)
see also New Scientist
- [25] S. Sigurdsson, H.B.Richer, B.M.S.Hansen, I.H.Stairs & S.E.Thorsett,
''A young white dwarf companion to pulsar B1620-26:
Evidence for early planet formation''
Science 301, 193 (2003),
see the SSU or
Comedy Central
- [24] B. M. S. Hansen & J. Liebert,
'' Cool White Dwarfs ''
Annual Reviews of Astronomy & Astrophysics 41 , 465-515 (2003)
- [23] J. Cho, K. Menou, B. Hansen & S. Seager,
''The changing face of the
extrasolar giant planet, HD209458b''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 587
L117 (2003)
- [22] K.Menou, J. Cho, S. Seager & B. Hansen
''Weather variability of close-in
extrasolar giant planets''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 587
L113 (2003)
- [21] B. M. S. Hansen, V. Kalogera
& F. A. Rasio,
''Helium Core White Dwarfs in Globular Clusters ''
Astrophysical Journal 586
1364 (2003)
- [20] B. M. S.Hansen,
''Type Ia Supernovae and High Velocity White Dwarfs'' ,
Astrophysical Journal 582
915 (2003)
- [19] B. M. S. Hansen et al.,
''The White Dwarf Cooling Sequence of the Globular
Cluster Messier 4''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 574,
L155 (2002),
see the SSU
- [18] H. B. Richer et al.,
''The Main Sequence and Mass Function of the Globular
Cluster Messier 4''
Astrophysical Journal Letters 574,
L151 (2002)
- [17] C. Stoughton et al.,
''Sloan Digital Sky Survey: Early Data Release''
Astronomical Journal , 123, 485 (2002)
- [16] B. M. S. Hansen,
''Halo White Dwarfs, Thick Disks and a Sanity Check.''
Astrophysical Journal , 558, L39 (2001)
- [15] N. Murray, B. Chaboyer, P. Arras, B. Hansen, & R. W. Noyes,
'' Stellar Pollution
in the Solar Neighbourhood'',
Astrophysical Journal , 555,
801 (2001)
- [14] B. M. S. Hansen & M. Lyutikov,
'' Radio and X-ray signatures of merging neutron stars''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society , 322, 695 (2001)
- [13] H. C. Harris, B. M. S. Hansen, et al.,
''A New Very Cool White Dwarf discovered
by the Sloan Digital Sky Survey'' ,
Astrophysical Journal, 549,
L109 (2001)
- [12] H. B. Richer, B. Hansen, et al.,
''Isochrones and Luminosity Functions for Old White Dwarfs'' ,
Astrophysical Journal , 529,
318 (2000)
- [11] P. J. Armitage & B. M. S. Hansen,
''Early Planet Formation as a trigger for further
planet formation'' ,
Nature , 402, 633 (1999)
- [10] B. M. S. Hansen,
''The Origin of Primordial Dwarf Stars and Baryonic Dark Matter''
Astrophysical Journal Letters , 517, L39 (1999)
- [9] B. M. S. Hansen,
''Cooling Models for Old White Dwarfs''
Astrophysical Journal , 520, 680 (1999)
- [8] B. M. S. Hansen,
''On the Frequency and Remnants of Hypernovae'' ,
Astrophysical Journal Letters , 512, L117 (1999)
- [7] M. B. Davies & B. M. S. Hansen,
''Neutron Star Retention and Millisecond Pulsar Production
Globular Clusters'' ,
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society , 301,
15 (1998)
- [6] B. M. S. Hansen,
'' Old and Blue White Dwarfs as a detectable source of
events'' ,
Nature , 394, 860 (1998)
See Nature News & Views
- [5] B. M. S. Hansen & C. Murali,
''Gamma Ray Bursts from Stellar Collisions''
Astrophysical Journal Letters , 505, L15 (1998)
- [4] N. Murray, B. Hansen, M. Holman & S. Tremaine,
'' Migrating Planets''
Science , 279, 69 (1998)
- [3] B.M.S.Hansen & E.S.Phinney,
''Stellar Forensics: II - Millisecond Pulsar Binaries''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society , 294, 569 (1998)
- [2] B.M.S.Hansen & E.S.Phinney,
''Stellar Forensics: I - Cooling Curves''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society , 294, 557 (1998)
- [1] B.M.S.Hansen & E.S.Phinney,
''The Pulsar Kick Velocity Distribution''
Monthly Notices of Royal Astronomical Society, 291, 569 (1997)
Unrefereed Publications
- B. Hansen, "Planets form from Rings" Nature Astronomy News and Views (2021)
- B. Hansen, "What moons in other solar systems reveal about planets like Neptune and Jupiter " ,
The Conversation Oct 2 (2019)
- I. Crossfield, T. Barman, B. Hansen & S. Frewen, "An Upper Limit on He Absorption in GJ 1214b" ,
Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society , 3 24
- B.Hansen & B. Zuckerman,
"Ejection of material --``Jurads'' -- from post main sequence planetary systems" ,
Research Notes of the American Astronomical Society , 1 55
- I. Crossfield, T. Barman, B. Hansen, A. Howard,
"Warm Ice Giant GJ 3470b: A Metal-rich, Hazy, or Low-Methane Atmosphere" ,
Protostars and Planets VI Heidelberg, Poster 2G011
- I.J.M.Crossfield, T. Barman, B.M.S. Hansen, I. Tanaka & T. Kodama,
"Re-evaluating hot Jupiter WASP-12b: An update" ,
Hot Planets and Cool Stars Garching, EPJ Conf. 47, id.13005
- F.E.Koch & B.M.S.Hansen,
"On Collisional Capture Rates of Irregular Satellites Around the Gas-Giant Planets and the Minimum Mass of the Solar Nebula"
Asteroids, Comets, Meteors 2012: Niigata, LPI Contribution id.6007
- J.R.Barnes et al.,
"Spectroscopic detection and characterisation of planetary atmospheres" ,
Research, Science and Technology of Brown Dwarfs and Exoplanets , Shanghai, EPJ Conf, 16
- S.R.Kulkarni, H.E.Schlichting, B. M. S. Hansen, & J. Catanzarite,
"No Planet Left Behind: Investigating Planetary Architecture and Diversity with SIM Lite"
Astro2010: Astronomy and Astrophysics Decadal Survey White Papers,
J.S.Kalirai; Richer, H. B.; Reitzel, D.; Hansen, B. M. S.; Rich, R. M.; Fahlman, G. G.; Gibson, B. K.; von Hippel, T.,
"Spectroscopy of Faint White Dwarfs - The DA/DB Ratio and the Initial-Final Mass Relation"
14th European Workshop on White Dwarfs ASP Conf. Series. 334, 9
- J.X.Prochaska, J. Bloom, H.-W. Chen,
B. Hansen, J. Kalirai, M. Rich and H. Richer,
"GRB 050724: Secure Host Redshift from Keck " ,
GCN GRB Observation Report
- B. M. S. Hansen, "Discoveries from the Stellar Graveyard" ,
HUBBLE 2004 Science Year in Review
- S.R.Kulkarni, B. M. S. Hansen, E. S. Phinney, M.H. van Kerkwijk & G. Vasisht,
"Exceptional Stars: Origins, Companions, Masses and Planets" ,
Science with the Space Interferometry Mission
Project Summaries ,
ed. S. Unwin & S. Turyshev (2003)
- B.M.S.Hansen, ''Theoretical Implications of White Dwarf Observations''
KITP Proceedings Jan 8, 2003
- B.M.S.Hansen, ''A Bright Future for Dark Matter''
Nature 403,30 (2000)
- B.M.S.Hansen, ''Stellar Collisions & Pulsar Planets''
in Stellar Collisions, Mergers & their Consequences,
- B.M.S.Hansen, ''Old White Dwarfs as a Microlensing Population''
in Microlensing 2000
- B.M.S.Hansen, ''Millisecond Pulsar Ages & Spin Periods''
in Neutron Stars & Pulsars: Thirty Years after the Discovery , 191 (1998)
- E.S.Phinney & B.M.S. Hansen, ''The Pulsar Planet Production Process''
in Planets around Pulsars ASP Conf. Series, 36, 371 (1993)
ADS Version.
In preparation
- B. Hansen
"Hot Jupiters in a Galactic Context"
- M. Yu, B. Hansen & Y. Hasegawa
"Breaking Mean Motion Resonances with migration reversals"